Iroquois Dental Center

Dental Crowns: What Are They, Types, Procedure & Care

Dental Crowns: What Are They, Types, Procedure & Care

Looking to restore the functioning and appearance of a damaged tooth? Dental crowns are a popular choice. This restoration procedure protects your tooth while allowing you to smile more confidently!

Dental Crowns Explained

A dental crown, also called a dental cap, covers the crown of your tooth, from the enamel down to the gum line. Crowns are custom-made to fit your natural tooth, protecting it from any kind of damage. They also restore the strength of the tooth so that you can bite and chew comfortably. Initially, crowns feel a little uncomfortable, but you will adjust to them within a few days. Crowns generally cost between $400 and $3000, depending on the type of crown you may need. Cost is often an important factor when deciding to fix your cosmetic concerns. Discuss with your dentist to make an informed choice.

Types of Dental Crowns

Permanent dental crowns can be made from the following materials:

All-Metal: A 100% all-metal crown that’s robust, solid, and durable. It requires the least tooth structure to be removed, is biocompatible, and works well for those with bruxism.

All-Porcelain: Porcelain crowns give your tooth a natural, life-like appearance. Labs can produce porcelain crowns with different shades and translucencies for optimal quality and match.

All-Ceramic: Ceramic crowns are almost as popular as porcelain crowns. These are durable, stain resistant (less so in comparison to porcelain crowns), and a popular choice. These are also good for people who can have allergies to certain metals.

All-Resin: Also called composite resin crowns, these are used for temporary measures and are made of resin material. These can wear down quite quickly and are vulnerable to fractures.

Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal: Abbreviated to PFM, these crowns are made of metal alloys at the core (the inside), which sits cemented over the natural tooth, and porcelain that’s layered and bonded to the metal base. You can expect attractive, life-like results and the best of both worlds!

When you see a specialist, they can suggest the right type of crown, allowing you to make an informed choice.

Dental Crown Procedure: What to Expect

The procedure is straightforward. First, your dentist will assess your tooth and overall dental health, ensuring a crown is the best treatment. They will also thoroughly evaluate the extent of damage, including the tooth bone and roots. Next, they numb the tooth with local anesthesia, so the procedure is as comfortable as possible. They reshape the tooth, remove any decay or infection, and create enough room for the crown to fit successfully. An impression of the tooth is also taken and sent to a dental lab where your crown is manufactured to precise specifications. While you wait for your custom crown, your tooth is fitted with a temporary cap for protection. Once your new crown arrives, your dentist will remove the temporary crown and fit the manufactured dental custom crown, making necessary adjustments and cementing it in place.


Your dentist will provide clear instructions on how to care for your dental crowns. Some standard care instructions include:

  • Avoid applying too much pressure when brushing
  • Gently floss regularly
  • Avoid having hard and sticky foods
  • Use an OTC pain relieving gel if necessary
  • Be consistent with your follow-up visits

Want To Learn More?

If you have broken teeth, larger filling, worn-out enamel, or other cosmetic concerns and looking for a stress-free fix, dental crowns are a fantastic option. Some of the procedure costs can also be covered by your insurance. If you’d like to know how we can help you achieve a beautiful smile with dental crowns, book an appointment online at or call us at 630-416-0780 and schedule your appointment.

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