Iroquois Dental Center

Does TMJ Cause My Headaches?

Does TMJ Cause My Headaches?

Headaches can be frustrating, especially when they are frequent. While there can be many causes, one potentially overlooked source of headaches can be your jaw joint. If you are suffering from chronic headaches along with persistent tension in your jaw, consider seeing a dentist to determine if it is a TMJ-induced headache.

What Is TMJ?

TMJ, or temporomandibular joint, connects your lower jaw and skull. There is one joint on each side of your jaw. It is like a sliding hinge that facilitates many important jaw functions, like talking, chewing, yawning, and more. TMJ is the most complex joint in the body and is responsible for a lot of essential activities throughout the day. It keeps working quietly, unnoticed, and without pain, but when it doesn’t function freely, several problems can arise.


Your TMJ is present right in front of your ears, allowing the jaw to move up, down, side to side, forward, and backward. A dysfunctional temporomandibular joint can lead to Temporomandibular Joint Disorders or TMD, which is a group of more than 30 conditions affecting your TMJ and the surrounding muscles. You often experience pain and restricted jaw movement due to stress and inflammation. The discomfort can be mild and arising in just a few instances or debilitating, impacting the quality of your everyday life.

TMD Causes & Symptoms

Many factors trigger TMJ disorders. Primary causes include jaw injury, bruxism (teeth clenching and grinding), stress, poor posture, a bad bite, genetics, arthritis, nail-biting, chewing gum, and connective tissue disorder. Look for symptoms like jaw pain or tenderness, difficulty chewing or yawning, jaw locking, clicking and popping sounds, unexplained and facial pain. A dysfunctional TMJ can affect your whole mouth. To your surprise, TMJ disorder can also cause headaches which are triggered due to tension in the muscles connected to the jaw, neck, and head. If the symptoms are concerning, it is time to see a specialist immediately.

Connection Between TMJ and Headaches

The muscles around your jaw extend to your head. When your TMJ isn’t functioning well or is severely strained, it results in pressure that triggers headaches. For this reason, TMJ headaches sometimes feel like tension headaches. You can also experience facial pain and ear pain which makes it seem like a sinus or migraine issue, further complicating the problem. This connection is often overlooked and can lead to other health issues that worsen over time. Without timely diagnoses and treatment, your headaches can get severe and can hinder even your daily activities. Therefore, addressing the root cause and the accompanying symptoms becomes crucial to relieving persistent and confusing headaches for long-term relief.

Signs TMJ Is Causing Your Headaches

Yes, your TMJ can be causing headaches, but it can also be the opposite. It can just be a regular headache after a stressful day or a hangover symptom. How do you tell the difference? In straightforward cases, it’s simple – the first sign it is a TMJ-induced headache is if you also experience jaw problems with your headaches. Next, you could also be waking up to jaw stiffness in the morning, along with debilitating pain in your head. This happens as a result of nighttime jaw clenching or teeth grinding. You would also experience unexplained upper body pain and limited jaw movements. Another important sign is when you get no relief from standard headache medicines or treatment. These factors often suggest that your headaches could be linked to a dysfunctional TMJ.

Getting Help

If you believe your TMJ is the root cause of your headaches, get in touch with a skilled dentist today. You would also sometimes need to work with another doctor since TMD is both a medical and dental issue, and your headaches could result from a combination of health problems. This will help you address your condition comprehensively ensuring that your treatment will be targeted and effective. Sure, home remedies like hot or cold packs, jaw exercises, and over-the-counter medications provide relief, but severe cases require expert assistance for optimal results.

Contact Iroquois Dental for Better Assistance

TMJ headaches can be annoying, but you don’t have to suffer in silence. Reach out to Dr. Deepak Agarwal at Iroquois Dental to find the right solution for your needs. He can diagnose your symptoms, perform a thorough evaluation, suggest suitable solutions, and offer individualized care throughout the process. Call (630) 416-0780 now; relief is just a phone call away.

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