Iroquois Dental Center

Botox and Migraines

Botox and Migraines

Migraine is a complex neurologic disorder that tends to result in an intense headache. The headache generally comes in episodes and can sometimes result in vomiting, nausea, and sensitivity to light. While each patient will have a different experience with migraine, it ideally happens in stages. Several treatments, including Botox, can help prevent chronic migraines in adults. But before we tell you how Botox works for migraine, let’s break down the various stages of migraine:


Studies show that around 60% of people who have migraine tend to notice the following symptoms days or hours before a headache:

  • Fatigue
  • Mood changes
  • Sensitivity to sound, light, or smell
  • Lack of appetite or food cravings
  • Bloating
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Severe thirst

The Aura

The following symptoms stem from your nervous system and will affect your vision. They generally start gradually, over a 15-to-20-minute, and can last up to an hour. You might

  • Have tunnel vision
  • See wavy lines, black dots, flashes of light, or hallucinate (see things that aren’t there)
  • Not being able to see
  • Not being able to speak clearly
  • Have ringing in your ears
  • Have numbness or tingling on one side of your body
  • Notice changes in taste, touch, or smell


A migraine attack generally begins as a dull ache, gradually becoming a throbbing pain. It can get even worse during physical activities. The pain could move from one side of your head to the other or feel like it’s affecting your entire head. Around 80% of people also feel some level of nausea along with a headache, and around half vomit. You may also be clammy and pale or feel faint.

Most migraine-related headaches tend to last around four hours. However, in severe cases, we have seen patients who have headaches that last for more than three days. It is common for patients to get two to four headaches every month. Some patients may even have migraine headaches every few days, while others get them a few times a year.


The postdrome stage can last for up to a day after you get a headache. These symptoms include:

  • Weakness or muscle pain
  • Feeling unusually refreshed or happy
  • Lack of appetite or food cravings
  • Feeling cranky

After looking at all these signs, it’s easy to see how uncomfortable migraines can be! If you wish to mitigate all these symptoms of migraines, it’s best if you consider Botox for migraines.

What Is Botox? How Can It Help

Botox is a neurotoxin that’s made by bacteria called Clostridium botulinum. It can have a deadly reaction if you ingest it via spoiled food since it could block signals from your nerves and paralyze your muscles. However, it is safe when you inject it in smaller amounts. A few shots of Botox can help smooth wrinkles on your face since it relaxes the muscles.

While most people already know about the cosmetic treatments of Botox, they might not know that Botox can also help you with migraine! Botox is approved to be used to treat and prevent chronic migraine headaches that tend to occur for 15 or more days each month and that generally last for around four hours. Moreover, since you must take Botox injections once every twelve weeks, you will not have to worry about taking a pill every day to prevent migraines. If you want, you can also combine Botox with oral medications to help reduce pain in case a headache has already begun (if approved by your doctor).

How Long Does It Take To Work?

Some people could witness improvements in the frequency of their headaches within the first four weeks of getting a Botox injection. However, in most cases, patients notice a significant difference after their second injection. Several studies have shown that patients continued to see substantial reductions in their total number of headaches over 24 weeks. Botox also helped them lower the overall length of headaches on days when they occurred.

However, you must remember that Botox is a preventive medicine that can help you stop a headache before it begins. It is injected by a professional healthcare expert around your neck and head to prevent around nine headache days per month, compared to 6 days for patients given a placebo. These injections help block a chemical neurotransmitter that helps our body carry pain signals. When injected, Botox can prevent activation of the pathways that lead to headache pain. While this could take some time, you will eventually see significant improvements.

Contact Iroquois Dental If You Have Any Concerns!

Our experts at Iroquois Dental have been working with Botox for quite some time now. Given all the training and experience we have with handling Botox, we can quickly answer any questions or concerns you may have related to your Botox treatment for migraine. Call our team at 630-416-0780, and our professionals will be more than happy to address your concerns.

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